Copyright Information

AUS-MEAT Limited produces a range of Industry material that is generally protected under the Copyright Act 1968. AUS-MEAT is a member of the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL), who act as our non-exclusive agents to license and collect payment for the reproduction and communication of copyright works from users such as educational institutions, government departments and agencies, the business sector and the general community.

Getting permission to copy:

The Acronym: "AUS-MEAT"

AUS-MEAT Limited is an industry owned company operating as a joint venture between Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC).

AUS-MEAT is an acronym (shortened form that is always pronounced as a word and is formed from the letters of other words). The AUS-MEAT company name was derived from the Authority for Uniform Specification Meat and Livestock.

When using the AUS-MEAT company name in any publication, report, image, media or any other type of written / electronic communication, it shall be shown in uppercase with the inclusive hyphen i.e. AUS-MEAT.

AUS-MEAT On Line Members

AUS-MEAT Members have exclusive access to publications, brochures and images catalogued in the various sections of the AUS-MEAT Members site.

AUS-MEAT Members can use up to 10 percent of the content of any copyright work for use exclusively in-house without payment of a royalty or obtaining Copyright permission from AUS-MEAT Limited, if the use is intended strictly in the relation of the sale, distribution or export of Australian Meat.

Where more than 10 percent is required for use then 'permission to copy' is required from AUS-MEAT Limited - and such requests may be subject to payments.

Requests for high resolution images will be subject to a per image cost as well as a project management fee (hourly rate). Requests will be processed and posted to a secure website or copied onto a storage device (USB, CD / DVD etc).

All work copied must include an appropriate acknowledment statement - generally including the original source and authorship.

If you are not an AUS-MEAT On Line Member then you need to Obtain permission to copy any  work, which will be a matter of negotiation with AUS-MEAT Limited. Permission to copy may be subject to conditions. These conditions may include a specified acknowledgment of the source of the work and payment of any applicable licence fees / project costs.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this information.


The AUS-MEAT Logos, AUS-QUAL Logos and other registered Trademarks of AUS-MEAT must not be used without written permission of AUS-MEAT Limited. Permission will only be given on such terms and conditions as AUS-MEAT Limited determines from time to time. AUS-MEAT Accredited Enterprises can use the Application form Click HERE

AUS-MEAT National Accreditation Standards provide further information on the use of these Trademarks.


AUS-MEAT Limited provides Management and Administration services for the implementation of other industry owned quality management based Accreditation programs. The Industry bodies that own these programs also allow use of registered Trademarks by accredited companies / individuals. Please contact the relevant AUS-MEAT Program staff for further information.
